Saturday, January 31, 2009

my baby starts pre k wwwwaaaaaahhhhh

so been doing alot of phone work knowing the prek registration starts now. Well no way to get into the public school pre k here. they limit it big time basically to foster kids and military kids. so started calling around area private schools and OMG! the cost is outrageous!!!! some schools wanted $500 a month WTF??? its pre k not college. so got a hold of my church as a neighbor told me at the bus stop that the church had a school. well it isnt our church but the one in humble and they accept kids from our church. we are second choice after their kids in their church. so called them and found out that it is $435 a month...but the registrar called me later and informed me that they have a part time pre k that is only monday, wednesday and friday and is $350 a month. so next week I am going down and paying our $100 application fee and signing him up. I think that the part time will be best for him anyway. Unlike my older two who started preschool at 3, Ryan has been my shadow for 4 yrs and its gonna be a better fit not to throw him into full time school.

now with that done...the boys have been sick. Started with Ryan and spread to DJ. Nothing serious but a nasty cold with lots of coughing. so my home smells like vicks LOL and after a day or so of not wanting to eat they are running around and eating everything they can get their hands on today. DJ still has a little sinus headache but he desperately wants to go to a friends bday party today so he is trying very hard to act all well ;)

now to add on to my day...marissa's glasses broke this morning. the lens popped out. cant pop it back in and dont want to force it in and break the frame so gonna head to the store to get it fixed shortly.

that is it for now.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! That is high! Troy only goes 2 days a week to pre-school, but it is only $100/month. Yikes!
