Monday, February 9, 2009

feeling lonely

So after only being home for 3 days my hubby has gone back to the road. I really hate that part of the job. I tried very hard not to be too sad or gloomy about him leaving cuz I dont want to stress him more or make him feel guilty for having to work. The kids hated to see him go and Ryan had to be peeled off of him screaming. which made Jim cry. I hated to see him hating to go but at the same time it was kind of nice to see how much he misses us.

So its just me and Ryan hanging out today but the weather is changing and I am already in a pretty bad flare up of my RA. I am in alot and I mean ALOT of pain. yesterday the pain got so bad it made me throw up twice. Also the bumps they call rhuematoid nodules are coming back in my legs and they hurt.

Marissa's glasses are still broken and we had to super glue them til she sees her doc on the 17th. Marissa ran a 1 mile fun run for the YMCA saturday. She did great and finished in the middle of the pack and I was just so proud she did it at all! it was great to watch and great to see her so proud of herself. she got a medal and wore it all day and even out to dinner that night.

We celebrated our tenth anniversary this past week. Jim got home just in time and we celebrated by having dinner at home with the kids and then when they went to bed we snuggled up in our bed and enjoyed a movie and a plate of assorted cookies LOL my mother says that is a sign we are getting old LMAO! and then Saturday my parents took us and the kiddos out to dinner and as payback for having the wait staff sing to them for their 40th anniversary they had them sing to us....but hey the cake was worth it!

so now I am watching sponge bob with Ryan and trying to relax and hoping to take a nap when he does ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you are in pain. (((HUGS))) I am sorry your hubby has to be gone so much too.

    I love all these clues that you are getting old. LOL
